3/12 |
Test 8 Review - Part 1 |
Begin studying for Friday's test
Due tonight:
IXL Topic L3: Slope-intercept form: find the slope and y-intercept
IXL Topic L6: Slope-intercept form: write an equation
IXL Topic L15: Point-slope form: write an equation |
3/11 |
Lesson 8C Notes: Equations, Graphs, & Tables
Guided Practice
WS 8C.1 - Equations, Graphs, & Tables, #1-6 all
Due Wednesday evening:
IXL Topic L3: Slope-intercept form: find the slope and y-intercept
IXL Topic L6: Slope-intercept form: write an equation
IXL Topic L15: Point-slope form: write an equation |
3/10 |
Together in class: WS 8B.2 - More Standard Form & Point-Slope Form, #1-8 all |
Due Wednesday evening:
IXL Topic L3: Slope-intercept form: find the slope and y-intercept
IXL Topic L6: Slope-intercept form: write an equation
IXL Topic L15: Point-slope form: write an equation |
3/7 |
No school |
Due Wednesday evening:
IXL Topic L3: Slope-intercept form: find the slope and y-intercept
IXL Topic L6: Slope-intercept form: write an equation
IXL Topic L15: Point-slope form: write an equation |
3/6 |
More Standard Form & Point-Slope Form |
3/5 |
Complete Lesson 8B Notes: Standard Form & Point-Slope Form |
WS 8B.1 - Standard Form & Point-Slope Form, #1-5 all, #7 |
3/4 |
Homework Discussion: WS 8A.2 - More Writing Equations of Lines |
none! |
3/3 |
Even More Writing Equations of Lines
Introduction to Lesson 8B Notes:
Standard Form & Point-Slope Form |
WS 8A.2 - More Writing Equations of Lines, #1-10 all |
2/28 |
More Writing Equations of Lines
Guided Practice |
WS 8A.1 - Writing Equations of Lines, #1-11 all |
2/27 |
Lesson 8A Notes:
Writing Equations of Lines |
none! |
2/26 |
Test 7 retakes |
none! |
2/25 |
Test 7 - Graphing Linear Equations |
none! |
2/24 |
Review for Test 7 |
Study for Test 7
Remember to download the practice test, lesson notes, lesson videos, and homework solutions from your class page to help you study. Complete class videos are also available on your Schoology page! |
2/21 |
IXL Practice and Test 7 Practice Test |
Due tonight:
IXL Topic I1: Coordinate plane review
IXL Topic K1: Find the slope of a graph
IXL Topic K2: Find the slope from two points
IXL Topic K3: Find the slope from a table
IXL Topic L1: Does (x, y) satisfy the linear equation? |
2/20 |
Graphing Lines Using:
1. Tables
2. Slope and y-Intercept
3. x- and y-Intercepts
WS 7C.1 - Graphing Using x- and y- Intercepts, #1-6 all
Due tomorrow evening:
IXL Topic I1: Coordinate plane review
IXL Topic K1: Find the slope of a graph
IXL Topic K2: Find the slope from two points
IXL Topic K3: Find the slope from a table
IXL Topic L1: Does (x, y) satisfy the linear equation? |
2/19 |
Lesson 7C Notes: Graphing Using x- and y- Intercepts |
Due Friday evening:
IXL Topic I1: Coordinate plane review
IXL Topic K1: Find the slope of a graph
IXL Topic K2: Find the slope from two points
IXL Topic K3: Find the slope from a table
IXL Topic L1: Does (x, y) satisfy the linear equation? |
2/18 |
More Graphing with Slope and y-Intercept
In class:
WS 7B.2 - More Graphing with Slope & y-Intercept, #1-6 all |
Due Friday evening:
IXL Topic I1: Coordinate plane review
IXL Topic K1: Find the slope of a graph
IXL Topic K2: Find the slope from two points
IXL Topic K3: Find the slope from a table
IXL Topic L1: Does (x, y) satisfy the linear equation? |
2/17 |
No School |
2/14 |
No School |
Due Wednesday evening:
IXL Topic I1: Coordinate plane review
IXL Topic K1: Find the slope of a graph
IXL Topic K2: Find the slope from two points
IXL Topic K3: Find the slope from a table
IXL Topic L1: Does (x, y) satisfy the linear equation? |
2/13 |
Homework Discussion: WS 7B.1 - Graphing with Slope & y-Intercept
IXL Practice
Assignment |
Enjoy your long weekend!
Due Friday evening:
IXL Topic I1: Coordinate plane review
IXL Topic K1: Find the slope of a graph
IXL Topic K2: Find the slope from two points
IXL Topic K3: Find the slope from a table
IXL Topic L1: Does (x, y) satisfy the linear equation? |
2/12 |
More Slope-Intercept Form |
WS 7B.1 - Graphing with Slope & y-Intercept, #1-6 all |
2/11 |
Shortened class / ELA CDT
Complete Lesson 7B Notes: Graphing Using the Slope-Intercept Form
none! |
2/10 |
Shortened class / Late start
Introduction to Lesson 7B Notes: Graphing Using the Slope-Intercept Form |
none! |
2/7 |
Homework Discussion: WS 7A.1 - Slope
Guided Practice |
WS 7A.2 - More Slope, #1-10 all |
2/6 |
Flexible Instruction Day |
WS 7A.1 - Slope, #1-10 all |
2/5 |
Complete Lesson 7A Notes: Slope |
WS 7A.1 - Slope, #1-10 all |
2/4 |
Introduction to Lesson 7A Notes: Slope |
none! |
2/3 |
Shortened class / Late start
Test 6 extended time |
none! |
1/31 |
Shortened class / Late start
Test 6 - Introduction to Graphing |
none! |
1/30 |
Complete Practice Test 6 |
Study for Test 6
Remember to download the practice test, lesson notes, and homework solutions from your class page to help you study. Complete class videos are also available on your Schoology page! |
1/29 |
FastBridge Screening Tests |
Study for Test 6 |
1/28 |
PHS 9th grade course registration videos
FastBridge Test Instructions (for Wednesday)
Begin Practice Test 6 |
1/27 |
No Mr. Clee / Practice Test 6 |
1/24 |
Shortened class / Early dismissal
In class: WS 6F.1 - Graphing Linear Equations by the Table Method, #1-8 all |
Begin studying for Test 6
Due tonight:
IXL Topic M1: Relations: convert between tables, graphs, mappings, and lists of points
IXL Topic M2: Domain and range of relations
IXL Topic M4: Identify functions
IXL Topic M5: Identify functions: vertical line test |
1/23 |
More Graphing Linear Equations by the Table Method |
Due Friday evening:
IXL Topic M1: Relations: convert between tables, graphs, mappings, and lists of points
IXL Topic M2: Domain and range of relations
IXL Topic M4: Identify functions
IXL Topic M5: Identify functions: vertical line test |
1/22 |
No Mr. Clee / In-class assignments |
Due Friday evening:
IXL Topic M1: Relations: convert between tables, graphs, mappings, and lists of points
IXL Topic M2: Domain and range of relations
IXL Topic M4: Identify functions
IXL Topic M5: Identify functions: vertical line test |
1/21 |
Complete Lesson 6F Notes: Graphing Linear Equations by the Table Method |
none! |
1/20 |
No school |
none! |
1/17 |
Shortened class / Late start
Homework Discussion: WS 6E.1 - Solving for y
Introduction to Lesson 6F Notes:
Graphing Linear Equations by the Table Method |
none! |
1/16 |
Lesson 6E Notes: Solving for y |
WS 6E.1 - Solving for y, #1-8 all |
1/15 |
Study Island Practice: Functions |
none! |
1/14 |
Homework Discussion: WS 6D.1 - Functions
Guided Practice
pp. 116-117, #1-14 all, #19, #20, #23, #25, #31-34 all |
1/13 |
Homework Discussion: WS 6C.1 - Relations
Lesson 6D Notes: Functions |
WS 6D.1 - Functions, #1-18 all |
1/10 |
Complete Lesson 6C Notes: Relations
Guided Practice
Due tonight:
IXL Topic II3: Interpret scatter plots
IXL Topic II4: Create scatter plots
IXL Topic II5: Identify trends with scatter plots
IXL Topic II7: Outliers in scatter plots
Due Monday:
WS 6C.1 - Relations, #1-9 all |
1/9 |
IXL Practice (but not everyone was practicing, so we stopped)
Introduction to Lesson 6C Notes: Relations |
Due tomorrow evening:
IXL Topic II3: Interpret scatter plots
IXL Topic II4: Create scatter plots
IXL Topic II5: Identify trends with scatter plots
IXL Topic II7: Outliers in scatter plots |
1/8 |
Homework Discussion: WS 6B.1 - Scatter Plots
Guided Practice |
Due Friday evening:
IXL Topic II3: Interpret scatter plots
IXL Topic II4: Create scatter plots
IXL Topic II5: Identify trends with scatter plots
IXL Topic II7: Outliers in scatter plots |
1/7 |
Homework Discussion: WS 6A.1 - Graphing on the Coordinate Plane
Lesson 6B Notes: Scatter Plots |
WS 6B.1 - Scatter Plots, #1-15 all |
1/6 |
Lesson 6A Notes: Graphing on the Coordinate Plane |
WS 6A.1 - Graphing on the Coordinate Plane, #1-20 all |
12/23 -
1/3 |
No School / Winter Break |
Enjoy your break! |
12/20 |
Spreading of Holiday Cheer |
Have an awesome break! |
12/19 |
Test 5 - Proportions & Percentages |
Due tonight: IXL assignments |
12/18 |
Review for Test 5 |
Study for Test 5
Remember to download the practice test, lesson notes, and homework solutions from your class page to help you study. Complete class videos are also available on your Schoology page!
Due Thursday evening: IXL assignments |
12/17 |
No Mr. Clee / In-class assignments |
Begin studying for Test 5
Due Thursday evening: IXL assignments |
12/16 |
More Lesson 5C Notes: Applications of Percentages |
12/13 |
Homework Discussion: WS 5B.1 - Percentages
Introduction to Lesson 5C Notes:
Applications of Percentages |
none! |
12/12 |
Lesson 5B Notes: Percentages |
WS 5B.1 - Percentages, #1-10 all |
12/11 |
Homework Discussion: WS 5A.1 - Solving Proportions
Topic G1: Solve proportions |
Complete IXL Topic G1: Solve proportions |
12/10 |
Lesson 5A Notes: Ratio & Proportion
Guided Practice |
WS 5A.1 - Solving Proportions, #1-6 all |
12/9 |
Test 4 - Solving Literal Equations & Simple Inequalities |
none! |
12/6 |
Complete review for Test 4 - Literal Equations and Inequalities |
Study for Test 4
Remember to download the lesson notes, videos, and homework solutions from your class page to help you study. Complete class videos are also available on your Schoology page! |
12/5 |
Shortened Class / Late Start
Begin review for Test 4 - Literal Equations and Inequalities
Begin studying for Test 4 |
12/4 |
Common Assessment 1
Study Island Checkpoint 2
Due tonight: Study Island Checkpoint 2 and related extra credit |
12/3 |
More Solving Simple Inequalities
Guided Practice
In class:
WS 4B.2 - More Solving Simple Inequalities, #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #7 |
Due tomorrow evening: Study Island Checkpoint 2 and related extra credit |
12/2 |
No school |
Due Wednesday: Study Island Checkpoint 2 and related extra credit |
11/29 |
No school |
Due Wednesday, 12/4: Study Island Checkpoint 2 and related extra credit |
11/28 |
No school |
11/27 |
Shortened Class / Early Dismissal
Study Island Checkpoint 2 |
11/26 |
Shortened Class / Early Dismissal
More Common Assessment 1 |
11/25 |
Shortened Class / Early Dismissal
Common Assessment 1 |
11/22 |
More Lesson 4B Notes: Solving Simple Inequalities
Guided Practice
none! |
11/21 |
Introduction to Lesson 4B Notes: Solving Simple Inequalities |
none! |
11/20 |
Homework Discussion: More Solving Literal Equations & Formulas, #1-9 all
Work on IXL assignment (due tonight)
Due tonight:
IXL Topic C10: Solve multi-step linear equations
IXL Topic C12: Solve linear equations with variables on both sides |
11/19 |
Lesson 4A Notes: Literal Equations
In class: WS 4A.2 - More Solving Literal Equations & Formulas, #1-9 all |
Due Wednesday evening:
IXL Topic C10: Solve multi-step linear equations
IXL Topic C12: Solve linear equations with variables on both sides |
11/18 |
No Mr. Clee / In-class assignments |
11/15 |
More Literal Equations
In class:
complete WS 4A.1 - Solving Literal Equations & Formulas |
none! |
11/14 |
Introduction to Lesson 4A Notes:
Literal Equations |
WS 4A.1 - Solving Literal Equations & Formulas, #4, #5, #7 |
11/13 |
Complete Test 3 - Solving Linear Equations |
none! |
11/12 |
Complete Review for Test 3
Begin Test 3 - Solving Linear Equations |
Continue studying for Test 3 |
11/11 |
Review for Test 3 |
Study for Test 3
Remember to download the practice test, lesson notes, videos, and homework solutions from your class page to help you study. Complete class videos are also available on your Schoology page! |
11/8 |
Guided Practice: WS 3D.2 - More Solving Special Equations, #1-5 all |
none! |
11/7 |
Lesson 3D Notes: Solving Special Equations |
none! |
11/6 |
No Mr. Clee / In-class assignments |
p. 35, #1-22 all, #23, 24, 31 |
11/5 |
Introduction to Lesson 3D Notes: Solving Special Equations |
Begin studying for Test 3 (if you haven't already) |
11/4 |
Shortened Class / Early Dismissal
Solving Equations with the Variable on Both Sides Quiz |
11/1 |
No Mr. Clee / In-class assignments |
WS 3C.3 – Even More Solving Equations with the Variable on Both Sides, #1-14 all |
10/31 |
No Mr. Clee / In-class assignments |
WS 3C.2 - More Solving Equations with the Variable on Both Sides, #1-11 all |
10/30 |
Guided Practice: Solving Equations with the Variable on Both Sides |
none! |
10/29 |
Homework Discussion: WS 3C.1 - Solving Equations with the Variable on Both Sides |
Due tonight: Study Island Checkpoint 1 and related extra credit |
10/28 |
Lesson 3C Notes: Solving Equations with the Variable on Both Sides |
WS 3C.1 - Solving Equations with the Variable on Both Sides, #1, #3, #5, #7, #9
Due Tuesday evening: Study Island Checkpoint 1 and related extra credit |
10/25 |
Homework Discussion:
WS 3B.1 - Solving Multi-Step Equations
Multi-Step Equations Quiz |
Due tonight:
IXL Topic L4: Add and subtract like terms
IXL Topic L5: Add and subtract linear expressions
IXL Topic B9: Simplify variable expressions involving like terms and the distributive property
IXL Topic C8: Solve two-step linear equations
Due Tuesday evening: Study Island Checkpoint 1 and related extra credit |
10/24 |
Study Island Checkpoint 1 Review |
Due Friday:
IXL Topic L4: Add and subtract like terms
IXL Topic L5: Add and subtract linear expressions
IXL Topic B9: Simplify variable expressions involving like terms and the distributive property
IXL Topic C8: Solve two-step linear equations
Due Tuesday evening: Study Island Checkpoint 1 and related extra credit |
10/23 |
Complete Lesson 3B Notes: Solving Multi-Step Equations
Multi-Step Equation Word Problems |
WS 3B.1 - Solving Multi-Step Equations, #1-7 all
Due Friday:
IXL Topic L4: Add and subtract like terms
IXL Topic L5: Add and subtract linear expressions
IXL Topic B9: Simplify variable expressions involving like terms and the distributive property
IXL Topic C8: Solve two-step linear equations |
10/22 |
In class: WS 3A.1 - Solving One and Two-Step Equations
Introduction to Lesson 3B Notes:
Solving Multi-Step Equations |
Due Friday:
IXL Topic L4: Add and subtract like terms
IXL Topic L5: Add and subtract linear expressions
IXL Topic B9: Simplify variable expressions involving like terms and the distributive property
IXL Topic C8: Solve two-step linear equations |
10/21 |
No Mr. Clee / In-class assignments |
10/18 |
No Class / Day of Awesomeness |
none! |
10/17 |
Lesson 3A Notes: Solving One and Two-Step Equations |
10/16 |
Test 2 - Evaluating & Simplifying Algebraic Expressions |
10/15 |
Review for Test 2 |
Study for Test 2
Remember to download the practice test, lesson notes, videos, and homework solutions from your class page to help you study. Complete class videos are also available on your Schoology page! |
10/14 |
No school |
none! |
10/11 |
Homework Discussion: WS 2D.1 - Multiplying & Dividing Algebraic Expressions
Multiplying & Dividing Expressions Quick Quiz |
none! |
10/10 |
No class /Helicopter landing and presentation |
WS 2D.1 - Multiplying & Dividing Algebraic Expressions, #1-15 all |
10/9 |
Complete Lesson 2D Notes: Multiplying & Dividing Algebraic Expressions
Guided Practice
10/8 |
Introduction to Lesson 2D Notes: Multiplying & Dividing Algebraic Expressions
3 dimensions - more or less |
none! |
10/7 |
No class / Anti-bullying kickoff activities |
none! |
10/4 |
Math activities |
none! |
10/3 |
No school |
10/2 |
In class: WS 2C.2 - More Combining Like Terms
Combining Like Terms Quick Quiz
10/1 |
More Combining Like Terms |
Complete WS 2C.1 - Combining Like Terms, #1-10 all (if not finished in class) |
9/30 |
Lesson 2C Notes: Combining Like Terms
Started in class: WS 2C.1 - Combining Like Terms, #1-10 all |
none! |
9/27 |
Review Expressions Containing Exponents |
none! |
9/26 |
Homework Discussion: WS 2B.1 - Expressions Containing Exponents
IXL Practice |
IXL Topic B4: Evaluate rational expressions |
9/25 |
Complete Lesson 2B Notes: Introduction to Exponents
Guided Practice
WS 2B.1 - Expressions Containing Exponents, #1-19 all |
9/24 |
Extra credit video opportunities
Introduction to Lesson 2B Notes: Introduction to Exponents |
none! |
9/23 |
Complete Lesson 2A Notes: Variables & Expressions
Three IXL Topics
IXL Topic A10: Sort rational & irrational numbers
IXL Topic A11: Classify rational & irrational numbers
IXL Topic B2: Evaluate variable expressions involving integers |
9/20 |
Introduction to Lesson 2A Notes: Variables & Expressions |
WS 2A.1 - Evaluating Algebraic Expressions, #1-4 all |
9/19 |
Test 1 common errors and corrections
How to study for a math test
none! |
9/18 |
FastBridge Benchmark Test |
none! |
9/17 |
Test 1 - The Real Numbers |
9/16 |
Review for Test 1 |
Study for Test 1
Remember to download the practice test, lesson notes, videos, and homework solutions from your class page to help you study. Complete class videos are also available on your Schoology page! |
9/13 |
Complete Lesson 1F Notes: Subsets of the Real Numbers |
WS 1F.1 - Subsets of the Real Numbers, #1-16 all |
9/12 |
Picture Day!
Introduction to Lesson
1F Notes: Subsets of the Real Numbers |
none! |
9/11 |
Complete Lesson 1E Notes: Properties of the Real Numbers
Kahoot Review: Properties of Real Numbers |
WS 1E.1 - Properties of Real Numbers, #1-18 all |
9/10 |
Homework Discussion: WS 1D.2 - More Order of Operations
More Lesson 1E Notes: Properties of the Real Numbers |
none! |
9/9 |
More Order of Operations
In class:
WS 1D.1 - The Order of Operations, #1-7 all
Guided Practice
Introduction to Lesson 1E Notes:
Properties of the Real Numbers |
WS 1D.2 - More Order of Operations, #1-7 all |
9/6 |
Complete Lesson 1D Notes: Order of Operations |
Enjoy your weekend! |
9/5 |
Calculator Numbers
1st MP Jobs
Homework Discussion:
WS 1C.1 - Multiplying & Dividing Real Numbers
Introduction to Lesson 1D Notes:
Order of Operations |
none! |
9/4 |
Homework Discussion: WS 1B.1 - Adding & Subtracting Real Numbers
Lesson 1C Notes:
Multiplying & Dividing Real Numbers |
WS 1C.1 - Multiplying & Dividing Real Numbers, #1-21 all |
9/3 |
Complete Lesson 1B Notes: Adding & Subtracting Real Numbers |
WS 1B.1 - Adding & Subtracting Real Numbers, #1-25 all |
9/2 |
No school | Scavenger Hunt |
8/30 |
No school | Scavenger Hunt |
8/29 |
Website usernames & passwords
Homework Discussion: WS 1A.1 - The Absolute Basics
Introduction to Lesson 1B Notes:
Adding & Subtracting Real Numbers |
8/28 |
Complete Lesson 1A Notes:
The Absolute Basics |
WS 1A.1 - The Absolute Basics, #1-18 all |
8/27 |
First Day Survey (second day survey?)
First week housekeeping items
Introduction to Lesson 1A Notes:
The Absolute Basics |
Complete 3 housekeeping items on Schoology
1 - Introduce yourself video
2 - Create password
3 - Sign up for text message alerts |
8/26 |
Class Introduction / Brain Warmup |
none! |