The Number Games Official Constitution
IV. XP |
(experience points - maybe it should be EP?) |
The House that earns the most XP is the winner of The Number Games. The individual (regardless of House) who earns the most XP throughout the game will also be declared the winner.
You will earn XP through a variety of methods. Any and all assignments that are completed in Honors Geometry will earn XP. In general, 1 grade point earned by an individual in class will earn that person 1 XP. The sum of all XP of the individuals within a House will be the House XP, although additions and deductions can occur from House totals. You can also earn XP through achievements, perks, and minigames.
*It is important to note that XP does not equate to your grade in Honors Geometry.* XP and grades are drastically different quantities. You can earn the highest grade in class, but end up with low XP due to in-game decisions made by yourself and others. Similarly, the individual with the highest XP may have a class grade that is lower than he/she would like. Always remember that this is a game. Like most games, factors outside of your control will have a role in your success (or lack thereof) in The Number Games.
V. AP |
(achievement points) |
AP is the spendable currency of The Number Games. AP can be spent on perks or to buy advantages within minigames. AP will be calculated both individually and by House. The sum of all AP of the individuals within a House will be the House AP. In general, you will earn 2 AP for every assignment you submit in Honors Geometry. You can also earn AP through unlocking achievements.
As you progress in the game, you may do something noteworthy. Certain actions on your part will unlock an achievement, which will reward you with XP and/or AP. All achievements are a mystery at the start of The Number Games. You cannot know which actions will unlock one. All achievements will be posted to the public House pages of this website. If you see that an ally or a competitor has unlocked an achievement, try to repeat that feat to unlock it for yourself.
Perks are special privileges that you can purchase for use during The Number Games. They are purchased using AP. Some perks are bought individually, while others are purchased as a House. Some will help you to directly win the game, while others will allow you to do something special or to annoy or even sabotage other Houses. Specific perks will change throughout the game and will be posted to The Number Games website.
The AP price of perks can change at any time. During the last days of the game, the price of many House perks may increase significantly.
All perk requests must be submitted through the form on your Home Base. If you use a perk and fail to fill out the form, you will be charged twice the AP price. You may NOT spend the AP of other players without their permission. Make sure that you communicate with the other players in your House.
From time to time throughout The Number Games, we will play a Mini-Game. Mini-Games are ancillary and are primarily played outside of class. All Mini-Games are designed to put your organizational and critical thinking skills to the test. Winning Mini-Games can earn large amounts of XP, which will help you to win The Number Games overall.
A fictional House member will be created by any House containing only 3 players. The XP points of a fictional member on any assignment will be calculated as the average XP of the 3 real players in that House. There are advantages and disadvantages to having a fictional 4th member. The bad news is that your House has only three minds working together to overcome obstacles and solve in-game problems. The good news is that fictional House members earn 3 AP points on assignments instead of 2. Since fictional House members are (by definition) not real people, that AP can be spent by the other members of the House as they see fit. The AP of fictional House members must be spent on group perks and cannot be used for individual purposes.
Every optional assignment will automatically earn double XP and AP for all players. Fictional 4th House members will get an additional XP boost 1.5 times the average XP of the 3 real players in the House. They will also earn 5 AP for each optional assignment. If even one member of a 3-person House completes an optional assignment, the fictional player earns XP and AP for the assignment also.
In any sport or activity, you cannot help your team if you are not present. The Number Games is no different in that respect. Of course you will have the opportunity to make up all homework assignments, tests, and quizzes if you are absent. Parkland's policies on make-up work will always apply. However, there will be certain days during gameplay when a special activity occurs. If (for whatever reason) you do not participate that day, you will not be able to make up the XP or AP that was missed.
Missing a special event will effect your XP and AP totals only. Those totals cannot grow if you are absent. You will be exempted from the activity and your Honors Geometry grade will not be affected.
All participants of The Number Games must at all times conduct themselves in a manner that is respectful of their House allies and their competitors. Good sportsmanship is the most vital part of this game. Taunts and put-downs will not be tolerated. The game will only continue if all participants display appropriate attitudes and behaviors. Be gracious in both winning and losing.
Mr. Clee will decide all issues regarding the interpretation of The Number Games Constitution. Rules may need to be adjusted or new ones created during gameplay. The Number Games are intended to be an enriching educational experience that is also fun. If the game fails to be either, I will declare it as permanently over.
Through playing the game, I expect that you will have a good time while becoming a better thinker and overall student. But remember, these odds are never in your favor.
Good luck to all Houses! Let The Number Games begin!
© 2024-2025 MrClee