Arena History
Friday, December 20
Tuesday, December 10
The first Pandora item has been used!
The Discount Pandora item was used for the first time. The House that owns this item receives a 30% discount on all perks for the remainder of the Number Games. When a House uses a Pandora item, it will be posted for all to see, but who owns which item will not be revealed.
Congratulations to Best in the World for opening Pandora's Box today! They are the 2nd House to open the box and successfully complete the first minigame. There are still 8 items left. Remember that the game will end next Friday, 12/20 at 2:45 PM. If you don't open the box by that time, you lose your chance.
If you are stuck, I would definitely advise you to purchase a hint immediately. There is a portion of the game that will take you a minimum of 5 days to pass. If you don't get to that point by Wednesday or Thursday at the latest, you have no realistic shot at opening Pandora's Box. There has never been a Number Games champion who has failed to open the box. Good luck! |
Friday, December 6
Thursday, November 21
This week, I introduced the first of three planned minigames - Pandora's Box. A link to the rules of the game can be found on the right side of this page.
Remember that it is against the rules to work on anything involving the minigame when you are supposed to be involved in your classes. I will give you the first 5 minutes of each Geometry class to work on and collaborate about the game. The game must not interfere with anything you are doing in any other class in any way. There are severe penalties if another teacher informs me that you were working on the game when you were supposed to be involved in class. If you have free time in another class, it is fine to work on the game.
I am free on some days during periods 2 or 6. If you have any free time during those periods and your teacher gives you permission, you can set up a time with me to come to the room to work on the game. We will set these sessions to be about 5 minutes long. You can also stop by for a minute or two before lunch or in between periods if you'd like. Remember that it is important that you keep progressing. If you are stuck for more than a day, it might be a good idea to purchase one of your three Phone a Friend perks to get a hint.
Several of the prizes inside Pandora's Box are game-changers. When you see them, you may ask, "Why would you put such a thing into this game?" Answer: "Why wouldn't I put such a thing into this game?" All Houses are very much still in the running to becoming this year's Number Games Champions. Good luck with the first minigame!
Many houses are off to a fantastic start! |
Tuesday, November 12
Thursday, November 7
Until next time, |
Saturday, October 26
After a slow first week, things are about to pick up with Test 3 upcoming next week. Expect many achievements to be unlocked!
The Restart perk will be removed from the Perk Shop on Wednesday. You only have a few days remaining to undo your starting House setup choices. If you haven't done so yet, please use the form in the Number Games Schoology folder to let me know whether or not you'd like your XP/AP to appear at your Home Base. Remember that your Home Base is password protected and is a private page for your House members only. When I said that others would see the XP/AP numbers, I meant only that your fellow House mates will see them. Players from other Houses will have no access to these numbers or anything else in your Home Base.
Remember that all perks are private within each House. You will know which perks your fellow House-mates have purchased, but you will not know what other Houses are purchasing with their AP. You'll have to watch the XP and AP totals in the standings to try to determine who is doing what.
Congratulations to the Avengers for taking 1st place in our first House vs House challenge! They completed their proof in 2 minutes and 39 seconds! Congratulations to all other Houses who were also able to prove the theorem during class on Wednesday! |
Thursday, October 17
Welcome to The Number Games! You can click your House flag at the top of the page to navigate to your House page.
Today, I unveiled The Number Games Constitution and this hidden website. You can each access your private Home Base by clicking the link on your House page. Please check to make sure that your username/password gives you access to your Home Base. House folders have been added to Schoology for you to use as well. These are also private and can only be viewed by players within your House.
7 out of 9 Houses submitted all setup requirements on time and have unlocked an achievement! One House did not turn in a flag on time. Another House turned in a flag, but did not fill out the House setup form. For failing to meet the minimum setup requirements, I personally made all starting decisions for these Houses. If you liked the choices I made for you, then I have failed.
Five special House achievements were unlocked by The Best in the World, Hail Splinter, and the Pi-oneers, who unlocked three of them! M&M the Wrapper of Wegmans also earned an individual special achievement. Many people both young and old voted to determine the winners of these awards. Check out the House pages and Leaderboards to see who won what!
If you are unhappy with any of the game setup choices that you made (or that I made for you), you can make changes for the first 2 weeks only (for a nominal AP fee). Check the Perk Shop for details.
Good luck to all Houses! Let the Games begin! |